Cancer Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Cancer terminology and jargon:



CBRCCentre for Behavioural Research in Cancer
CBRCCancer Biology Research Center
CBSSCancer Biomarkers Study Section
CCAChildren's Cancer Association
CCAIComprehensive Cancer Alliance for Idaho
CCALComputational Cancer Analysis Library
CCAPCancer Chromosomal Aberrations Project
CCAPCancer Chromosomal Aberration Project
CCAPCancer Chromosome Aberration Project
CCAPCervical Cancer Awareness Program
CCBComputational Cancer Biology
CCBCommittee on Cancer Biology
CCBCancer Cell Biology
CCBBCancer Cell Biology Branch
CCBDCenter for Cancer and Blood Disorders
CCBDCancer Center Business Development
CCBDCancer and Cell Biology Division
CCBDCenter for Cancer Blood Disorders
CCBMCancer Chemical Biology and Metabolism
CCBSCancer Center Business Summit
CCCComprehensive Cancer Center
CCCBCenter for Cancer Computational Biology
CCCEPCaribbean Cervical Cancer Electronic Petition
CCCEPCaribbean Cervical Cancer E Petition
CCCGCoalition of Cancer Cooperative Groups
