Cardiology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Cardiology terminology and jargon:



TVMSTaquicardia Ventricular Monomorfa Sostenida
TWT Wave
TWIT Wave Inversion
URLUpper Rate Limit
V-FIBVentricular fibrillation
VACARVictorian Ambulance Cardiac Arrest Registry
VBRFHVentricular Brain Ratio at Frontal Horns
VCBVentricular Capture Beat
VCORVictorian Cardiac Outcomes Registry
VDHValvular Disease of the Heart
VEAVentricular Ectopic Activity
VEDVVentricular End Diastolic Volume
VEGFVascular Endothelial Growth Factor
VERPVentricular Effective Refractory Period
VIPITVaccine-Induced Prothrombotic Immune Thrombocytopenia
VIVOView Into Ventricular Onset
VPBVentricular Premature Beats
VRRVentricular Rate Regulation
VSDVentricular Septale Defect
VSDVentricular septal defects
VTAPVentricular Triggered Atrial Pacing
VVCRVentricular Vascular Coupling Ratio
VWDVentral Wall Defect
VZVentricular Zone
WARCEFWarfarin and Aspirin for Reduced Cardiac Ejection Fraction
