Certifications Acronyms and Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Certifications & Diplomas terminology and jargon:



AAATPAmerican Academy of Accounting Tax Professionals
AACAgile Analysis Certification
AACBAssociation of Accredited Certification Bodies
AACOAmerican Association of Certified Orthoptists
AACPAmerican Alliance Certified Paralegal
AACPAdministrative Assistant Certificate Program
AAHCPAAmerican Association of Hispanic Certified Public Accountants
AAMIAssociation for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation
AAPWCAAssociate of the American Professional Wound Care Association
AASAssociate of Applied Science in Nursing
AASCAnnual Audit Status Certification
ABCAmerican Board for Certification
ABCBAssociation of British Certification Bodies
ABCPAccredited Business Continuity Professional
ABDAdvanced Biodynamic Diploma
ABOCAmerican Board of Opticianry Certification
ABOCAmerican Board of Opticianry Certified
ACAAllstates Certificate Advantage
ACAAdobe Certified Associate
ACAABAssociate Certificate Applied Animal Behaviorist
ACAFAdvanced Certificate in Accounting and Finance
ACAFAdvanced Certificate in Accounting Finance
ACAMSAssociation of Certified Anti Money-laundering Specialists
ACAPAssociate Certified Analytics Professional
ACBAmerican Certification Body

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