Chat Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Chat terminology and jargon:



ICMII Can Make It
ICNDInterconnecting Cisco Network Devices
ICNWI Can Not Win
ICOMI Can't Open Mine
ICONa small pictogram
ICOUInternet Community Of Unity
ICPI Can Play
ICPInane Clown Poseurs
ICPI Can't Promise
ICQI Cheat Quietly
ICQInternet Chat Query
ICRI Can't Remember
ICRSI Can't Remember S**t
ICSInner City Sleeping
ICSI Can’t Sleep
ICSLI Can't Stop Laughing
ICSTI Can't Stop Thinking!
ICSYI Can't Sleep Yet
ICSYI Can’t Stand You
ICTFI'm Close To Finishing
ICTYBTIHTKYI Could Tell You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You
ICUI See You
ICUI Can Understand
ICUDKIn Case you Didn't Know
ICWI Can't Wait
