Chat Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Chat terminology and jargon:



IFMYI F***ing Miss You
IFOI Fell Off
IFOIn Favour Of
IFOMIn Front Of Me
IFRIdeal Final Result
IFSI Feel Special
IFSUI Feel So Used
IFTI'm Fine Thanks
IFTFYI Fixed That For You
IFUI Forgive You
IFUI Feel You
IFYI Feel You
IFYPI Feel Your Pain
IFYPFYI Fixed Your Post For You
IGInstant Gratification
IGInadequate Guys
IGI’m Good
IGI Guess
IGAI Get Attention
IGFNI Got F'n Nothing
IGHI'm Going Home
IGHTI Give Head Tonight
IGHTI Give Hell Today
IGHTI Get Home Tonight
