Chat Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Chat terminology and jargon:



INWI Never Will
INWOIt's Not Working Out
INYHI Need Your Help
INYOI Need Your Opinion
IOIntellect Optional
IOARI’m On A Roll
IOCI'm Obviously Corrupt
IOCNInternational Organization of Chaz the Namesake
IOHOIn Our Humble Opinion
IOII'm Over It
IOIYARIt's Okay If You're A Republican
IOKWIKNI Only Know What I Know Now
IOLImage Of Life
IOLOI Only Live Once
IOMOAI’m On My Own Again
IOSInside Our Souls
IOSIt's Our Secret
IOUInvestor Owned Utilities
IOUI Owe Unto
IOUI Owe You
IOU1I owe you one
IOWIn Other Words
IPDInducing The Pleasure Dreams
IPLYI Platonically Love You
