Chemistry Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Chemistry terminology and jargon:



VEQEquilibrium Volume
VEQEQuivalence point Volume
VETVsp Extracted Traces
VFnVertical Face n (n = face number)
VFPVertical Flow Performance (oil & gas)
VGPVolcanology Geochemistry and Petrology
VHHVolatile Halogenated Hydrocarbon
VHIVapor Hazard Index
VHNVickers Hardness Number
VHPVaporized Hydrogen Peroxide
VHPVery High Pressure
VHTVirtual Heat Treatment
VHTVery High Temperature
VHYVery High Yield
VIViscosity Index
VIGVanadium Iron Garnet
VIGVirtual Induced Gap
VINFVelocity of INFiltration
VIPERVenom Immunochemistry Pharmacology and Emergency Response
VKLVegetation Killing Liquid
VLCVisible Light-Cured
VLCFAVery Long Chain Fatty Acid
VLDVacuum Leak Detector
VLDVisible Laser Diode
VLEVapor Liquid Equilibrium
