Climate Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Climate terminology and jargon:



CDSClimate Data Store
CDTFClimate Disclosure Task Force
CECMClean Energy for Climate Mitigation
CECPChina Energy and Climate Project
CECPClean Energy and Climate Plan
CEFAClimate Ecosystem and Fire Applications
CEFAClimate Ecosystem Fire Applications
CEIClimate Extremes Index
CEMACCentre of Excellence for Modelling the Atmosphere and Climate
CEMOClimate Emergency Mobilization Office
CERCCCoastal Ecosystem Response to Climate Change
CERMClimate Extended Risk Model
CESDClimate and Environmental Sciences Division
CEWSClimate Early Warning System
CFANClimate Forecast Applications Network
CFANClimate Finance Access Network
CFASClimate Finance Advisory Service
CFCASCanadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences
CFDAClimate Finance for Development Accelerator
CFEWClimate Food Energy and Water
CFMClimate Fund Managers
CFSClimate Forecast System
CFSRClimate Forecast System Reanalysis
CFTFClimate Finance Task Force
CFTMClimate Finance Transparence Mechanism
