Climate Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Climate terminology and jargon:



CCFDsCarbon Contracts For Differences
CCFEChicago Climate Futures Exchange
CCFFClimate Change Financing Frameworks
CCGClimate Control Group
CCGRCommunity Climate Guide and Response
CCGSClimate Change Global Services
CCHPCold Climate Heat Pump
CCIClimate Change Initiative
CCIClinton Climate Initiative
CCIClimate Change Institute
CCIClimate Change Insight
CCIAClimate and Community Investment Act
CCIAClimate Community Investment Act
CCICCaribbean Climate Innovation Center
CCICCampus Climate Impact Committee
CCIPClimate Change and Indigenous Peoples
CCIRClimate Change Information Resources
CCLClimate Change Levy
CCLCitizens Climate Lobby
CCLCitizens' Climate Lobby
CCLIClimate Change Leadership Institute
CCLRCarbon and Climate Law Review
CCMACentre for Climate Modelling and Analysis
CCMEClimate Change in Mountain Ecosystems
CCMPClimate Change Media Partnership
