Colleges Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Colleges terminology and jargon:



ACMITArihant College of Management Information Technology
ACMPAmerican College of Medical Practice
ACMPEAmerican College of Medical Practice Executives
ACMSAthens City Middle School
ACMSArmy College of Medical Sciences
ACMTAmerican College of Medical Toxicology
ACMTAsian College of Management Technology
ACMTAlberta College of Massage Therapy
ACMTAmer College Med Tox
ACMTAmerican College of Manual Therapy
ACNAmerican College of Nutrition
ACNEMAustralasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine
ACNMAustralian College of Natural Medicine
ACNMAmerican College of Nuclear Medicine
ACNOAmerican College of Naturopathic Obstetrics
ACNTAustralasian College of Natural Therapies
ACNTAustralian College of Natural Therapies
ACOCAmherst College Outing Club
ACOCAmerican College Of Cardiology
ACODAustralasian College of Optical Dispensing
ACOEMAmerican College of Occupational Environmental Medicine
ACOEPAmerican College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians
ACOFAltria College Opportunity Fund
ACOFPAmerican College of Osteopathic Family Physicians
ACOGAmerican College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
