Colleges Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Colleges terminology and jargon:



AACWAnna Adarsh College for Women
AADCAssociate Alumnae Of Douglass College
AADCArmy Air Defence College
AADCAlumnae Associate of Douglass College
AAMCAssociation of American Medical Colleges
AAMCAcademy of Advanced Media & Communication
AAMCAl Ain Men's College
AAMCAlumnae Association of Mills College
AAMECAnjalai Ammal Mahalingam Engineering College
AANMCAssociation of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges
AAPMCAssociation of American Podiatric Medical Colleges
AASCAssam Administrative Staff College
AASCAlumnae Association of Smith College
AASCBAmerican Association of Schools and Colleges of Business
AASCUAmerican Association of State Colleges and Universities
AAUCAmerican Association of Universities and Colleges
AAUCAmmon Applied University College
AAVMCAssociation of American Veterinary Medical Colleges
AAWCAl Ain Women's College
AAWCCAmerican Association for Women in Community Colleges
ABACAbraham Baldwin Agricultural College
ABACAssumption Business Administration College
ABACAbraham Baldwin Agricultural College Abraham Baldwin
ABCAtlantic Baptist College
ABCAppalachian Bible College
