Colleges Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Colleges terminology and jargon:



ACDNAotearoa College of Diabetes Nurses
ACDSAmerican College Development Solutions
ACDSArmy College of Dental Sciences
ACDTAsanSka College of Design and Technology
ACDTAssumption College Dance Troupe
ACEAchieving a College Education
ACEAccelerated College Enrollment
ACEAccelerated College Education
ACEAdhiyamaan College of Engineering
ACEAmerican College of Education
ACEAdvanced College Enrollment
ACEARAmbala College of Engineering and Applied Research
ACECEAmerican College of Early Childhood Education
ACEFAmerican College of Endocrinology Foundation
ACEITARYA College of Engineering & I.T.
ACEMAustralasian College for Emergency Medicine
ACEMAustralian College of Emergency Medicine
ACEMAravali College of Engineering and Management
ACEMSAmherst College Emergency Medical Services
ACEPAmerican College of Emergency Physicians
ACESAccelerated College Enrollment Scholarship
ACESAmerican College of Eye Surgeons
ACESAthletics Colleges Education Scholarships
ACESAlamo Colleges Educational Services
ACETAligarh College of Engineering and Technology
