Commerce Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Commerce terminology and jargon:



DCCCDanish Chamber of Commerce in China
DCCIDhaka Chamber of Commerce Industry
DCCIDevonport Chamber of Commerce and Industry
DCCIDorset Chamber of Commerce and Industry
DCCIDubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry
DCCIDhaka Chamber of commerce and Industry
DCCIDhaka Chember of Commerce & Investment
DCCIDhaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry
DCEODepartment of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
DCICDepartment of Commerce Industrial Codes
DCODigital commerce
DCOCDavis Chamber of Commerce
DCTCDiscovery Coast Tourism and Commerce
DECDesign Engineering and Commerce
DECCADepartment of Commerce and Community Affairs
DECEDo Electronic Commerce Electron
DGCCDhananjayrao Gadgil College of Commerce
DGCGDefence Global Competitiveness Grant
DGFASLIDirectorate General Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes
DHCCDallas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
DHCCDouglas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
DICCDiscovery Islands Chamber of Commerce
DITBDistributive Industry Training Board
DITCDirectorate of Industries Trade and Commerce
