Computing Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Computing terminology and jargon:



ALACApple Lossless Audio Codec
ALCCASCR Leadership Computing Challenge
ALCFArgonne Leadership Computing Facility
ALCFArgonne Leadership Computing Facility's
ALDCSAdvanced Location and Data Collection System
ALGOLAlgorithmic Language
ALICEActive Learning In A Computer Environment
ALICEArtificial Living Intelligent Computerized Entity
ALLAdd Lol on Letters
ALOAlfheim Online
ALSAAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture
ALSCAlert Life Sciences Computing,
ALTHAMApproximately Less Than Half A Minute
ALUArithmetic Logic Unit
ALUArithmetic and Logical Unit
ALVFAlex Leandro Vilela de Freitas
AMAccess Method
AMActive Matrix
AMActive Monitor
AMAllied Mastercomputer
AMAmplitude Modulation
AMAgile modeling
AMCATAspiring Minds Computer Adaptive Test
AMCSApplied Mathematics and Computer Science
