Conferences Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Conferences terminology and jargon:



WAHCWorld Aquatic HealthTM Conference
WAICWorld Appreciative Inquiry Conference
WAIMWeb-Age Information Management Conference
WALACWorkshop on Anthropology of Latin America and the Caribbean
WALCWorkshop for Latin America and the Caribbean
WALCWorld Aviation Logistics Conference
WAM1First Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Workshop on Advanced Materials
WAMIIEEE Wireless And Microwave Technology Conference
WAOAWorkshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms
WAOPWorkshop on Aspect- Oriented Programming
WARCWestern Anesthesia Residents Conference
WARCWorld Administrative Radio Conference
WASHTOWestern Association Of State Highway And Transportation Officials
WASRWorkshop on Applied Software Reliability
WATSWorld Aviation Training Summit
WBCWestern Bible Conference
WBDDWorld Blood Donor Day
WBHCWashington Behavioral Healthcare Conference
WBLCWisconsin Bar Leaders' Conference
WBLCWomen in Business Leadership Conference
WBLEWeb- Based Learning Environments Conference
WBSCCWorld Buddhist Sangha Council Congress
WBSCCWorld Business Summit on Climate Change
WBYCWinooski Basin Youth Conference
WCWestern Conference
