Conferences Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Conferences terminology and jargon:



WNSWireless Networking Symposium
WOBSWorkshop on Optical Burst Switching
WOCWorld Orchid Conference
WOCCWomen of Color Conference
WOCCWireless and Optical Communications Conference
WOFCWater On The Fire Conference
WOFEWorkshop on 'Frontiers in Electronics'
WOHCWestern Occupational Health Conference
WOICWorld Open Innovation Conference
WOIDWorkshop on Optimization and Implementation of Declarative Programming Languages
WOMTWorkshop on Opportunities in Materials Theory
WONSWireless On-demand Network Systems and Services Conference
WOPAWorkshop On Parallel Algorithms
WORDSWorkshop on Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Systems
WPAMWorkshop on Principles of Abstract Machines
WPCWhite Privilege Conference
WPCWorldwide Partner Conference
WPCWorld Petrochemical Conference
WPCFWorld Print and Communication Forum
WPDCWestern Poultry Disease Conference
WPESWorkshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society
WPMCWireless Personal Multimedia Communications
WPPCWinter Park Perfusion Conference
WPPCWorld Poker Players Conference
WPRCWestern Protective Relay Conference
