Conferences Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Conferences terminology and jargon:



CRACChemical Regulatory Annual Conference
CRADInternational Conference on the use of Computers in RADiation Therapy
CRCCorporate Researchers Conference
CRCEChina Retail Convention Exhibition
CREDAIConfederation of Real Estate Developers Associations of India
CREDAIConfederation of Real Estate Developers Association of India
CREDAIConfederation of Real Estate Developers' Associations of India
CRESConferences Reservations and Event Services
CRFICommittee for the Refoundation of the Fourth International
CRIWConference on Research in Income and Wealth
CRMCCustomer Relationship Management Conference
CROCHCarnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy
CROIConference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections
CrownComInternational Conference on Cognitive Radio-Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications
CRPConference Review Package
CRSCCentral Region Student Conference
CRSEConference on Remote Sensing Education
CSAChilhood Sexual Abuse
CSACComputer Security Applications Conference
CSACColonial States Athletic Conference
CSAFCentral States Actuarial Forum
CSBSConference of State Bank Supervisors
CSBSConference of State Banking Supervisors
CSCConvention of Safe Containers
CSCConstitution State Conference
