Conservation Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Conservation terminology and jargon:



CXLConservation X Labs
CYTConservation Youth Team
D.A.M.N.Demand A Moratorium Now
D.E.S.T.A.Don't Ever Say That Again.
DACFDepartment of Agriculture Conservation and Forestry
DBCGDerbyshire Bat Conservation Group
DBHCDivision of Bird Habitat Conservation
DCDDepartment of Conservation and Development
DCLEDepartment of Conservation and Law Enforcement
DCLMDepartment of Conservation and Land Management
DCNRDepartment of Conservation of Natural Resources
DCNRDepartment of Conservation and Natural Resources
DCNRDepartment of Conservation Natural Resources
DCRDepartment of Conservation and Recreation
DCRDepartment of Conservation and Recreation's
DCVDorset Conservation Volunteers
DDCRDubai Desert Conservation Reserve
DDCSDoris Duke Conservation Scholars
DECGDee Estuary Conservation Group
DFCADonegal Fish and Conservation Association
DICTDyer Island Conservation Trust
DLDead Loss
DLCCDesert Landscape Conservation Cooperative
DLCTDover Land Conservation Trust
