Conservation Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Conservation terminology and jargon:



CACPConservation of the Asiatic Cheetah Project
CAFFConservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna
Cal-IPCCalifornia Invasive Plant Council
CALMConservation And Land Management
CAMASConservation Acquisition Management And Stewardship
CAMPConservation Assessment and Management Program
CAMPConservation Assessment and Management Plan
CAPConservation Assessment Program
CAPAClimate Adaption and Protected Areas
CAPSConservation Assessment and Prioritization System
CAREConservation And Renewable Energy
CARECitizens Against Ruining our Environment
CARESConservation Applicant Referral And Evaluation System
CARLConservation And Recreation Lands
CARNConservation Action Research Network
CARTConservation Amenity And Recreation Trust
CASUConservation Agriculture Scaling Up
CATIECentro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (in Spanish) Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center
CBCCenter for Biodiversity and Conservation
CBCCCrested Butte Conservation Corps
CBCFICebu Biodiversity Conservation Foundation Inc
CBCGDFChina Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development
CBCPCommunity Based Conservation Program
CBCRCenter for Biodiversity and Conservation Research
CBCSCameroon Biodiversity Conservation Society
