Construction Acronyms and Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Construction terminology and jargon:



BHSBackhole shovel
BICKBootable ISO Construction Kit
BIFRBoard of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
BIFRBureau of Industrial Financial Reconstruction
BIFRBoardfor Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
BIFRBoard for Industrial Financial Reconstruction
BILDBuilding Industry and Land Development association
BINCBuilding Industries' National Council
BLBliding layer (as blanket layer)
BLIOBudget Line Item Owner
BMBuilding Materials
BMBituminous Concrete
BMCIBest Management Construction Inc
BMPBest Management Practice
BMSBuilding Management System
BMTBellamuel Motoradd Triada
BMTPCBuilding Materials & Technology Promotion Council
BNCBehavioural Notice Cards
BNCCBabbit Neuman Construction Company
BNTECBureau de Normalisation des Techniques et des Equipements de la Construction (French: Bureau for Standardization Techniques and Equipment for Construction)
BOCBack Of Curb
BOCBureau Of Construction
BOCABuilding Officials and Code Administrators International
BOMBuild Of Material
