Consulting Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Consulting terminology and jargon:



CLAASConsulting Learning as a Service
CLCICreative Leadership Consultants Inc
CLPConsultant Liaison Program
CLPConsultant Liaison Programs
CMthe Consulting Market
CMCCreative Memories Consultant
CMCGCalifornia Management Consultant Group
CMCGContingency Management Consulting Group
CMECCOX McLain Environmental Consulting
CMEMCConstruction Management Engineering and Materials Consultant
CMFCChartered Mutual Fund Consultant
CMIDConsulting, Management, Inspection and Design
CMTCCalifornia Manufacturing Technology Consulting
CMTP-LLCCoweta MedTech Partners, LLC
CNCCommunications Network Consulting
CNCCommunications and Network Consulting
CNCClinical Nurse Consultant
COBCCentral Ohio Behavioral Consulting
COCGCharter Oak Consulting Group
COICCertified Office and Industrial Consultant
CPAConsulting Porsche Academy
CPCACertified Professional Consultant on Aging
CPCCHConsultant Paediatricians in Community Child Health
CPHCCertified Passive House Consultant
CPICCertified Product Innovation Consultant
