Contractors Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Contractors terminology and jargon:



BTBBucket Truck Bob. BTB Lighting & Supply is the name of the company.
CAConsumer Action
CAContract Administrator
CAAFContractors Authorized to Accompany the Forces
CAFContract Adjustment Form
CAIContractor Acceptance Inspection
CAODCCanadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors
CAOECCanadian Association Of Energy Contractors
CARECenter for the Advancement of Roofing Excellence
CASFContractors Association of South Florida
CASOSContractor Alliance for Safety On Shell
CASPAContractor And Subcontractor Payment Act
CATTContractors Association of Truckee Tahoe
CBCCertified Building Contractor
CBCCentral Building Contractors
CBDCompletion Before Disbursement
CBICContractors Bonding and Insurance Company
CBICContractors Bonding Insurance Company
CCAColorado Contractors Association
CCAEConstruction Contractors Association of Ethiopia
CCASConstruction Contractor Appraisal Support
CCASSConstruction Contractor Appraisal Support System
CCCBEW-Conditions of Contract for Construction for Building and Engineering Works
CCCCCComposer Computer Contractor Contact Club
CCCNCandor Contracting Concept Nigeria Limited
