Contractors Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Contractors terminology and jargon:



DASLFor civil & electrical engineer
DBLSDiamondback Land Surveying
DCDesignated Contractor
DCADelaware Contractors Association
DCADistribution Contractors Association
DCAPDiversified Contractors Accelerator Program
DCEDismissal of Contractor's Employees
DCFMDamage Caused by Force Majeure
DCQDwelling Contractor Qualifier
DCRDefects Cost of Remedying
DCSIRDefects, Contractor to Search for If Required
DDCDiscrepancies in Documents of Contract
DDCDDDrawings, Delays and Cost of Delay of Drawings
DDCSDrawings and Documents - Custody and Supply of
DECABDecentralised Construction Architecture & Building
DEDDisputes, Engineer's Decision
DFCSDrawings, Failure by Contractor to Submit
DISDrawing and Instructions - Supplementary
DLACELDefense Logistics Agency Contractor Experience List
DLCDefects Liability Certificate
DLDDelay, Liquidated Damages for
DLPDefects Liability Period
DMCDiamond Mechanical Contractors
DMEDocuments Mutually Explanatory
DNPDefects Notification Period
