Council Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Council terminology and jargon:



ACSHAmerican Council for Science and Health
ACSHAmerican Council on Science and Health
ACSISAmerican Council for the Study of Islamic Societies
ACSSArkansas Council for the Social Studies
ACSSAdvisory Council on Stewardship and Sustainability
ACSTAdvisory Council on Science and Technology
ACTAgents Council for Technology
ACTAAdministrative Council for Terminal Attachments
ACTEAlabama Council for Technology in Education
ACTFLAmerican Council On Teaching Of Foreign Languages
ACTFLAmerican Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages
ACTIONAmerican Council To Improve Our Neighborhoods
ACTORAmerican Council of Teachers Of Russian
ACTRAmerican Council of Teachers of Russian
ACTTAccreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago
ACTTAdvocacy Council for Tribal Transportation
ACTTAdvocacy Council Tribes and Transportation
ACTUAustralian Council of Trade Unions
ACTUAustralasian Council of Trade Unions
ACUAAdvisory Council for Undergraduate Affairs
ACUAAdvisory Council on Underwater Archaeology
ACUMAdvising Council at the University of Michigan
ACUNSAcademic Council of the United Nations System
ACVAAmerican Council of Vedic Astrology
ACWArts Council of Wales
