Databases Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Databases terminology and jargon:



SSFSql Session Factory
SSGTSchema Subset Generation Tool
SSISSQL Server Integration Services
SSMASQL Server Migration Assistant
SSMSSQL Server Management Studio
SSMSSQL Software Microsoft Software
SSMSSSMS Stands for Microsoft SQL
SSOSingle Sign-On
SSPStorage Services Provider
SSPDSpartan Spectra and Properties Database
SSRDSimple Sequence Repeats Database
SSRISecure Storage and Retrieval of Information
SSRPSQL Server Resolution Protocol
SSRSSQL Server Reporting Services
SSRSSql Server Reporting Service
SSRSSQL Server reporting
SSRSSQL Report Services
SSSOSQL Server System Overview
SSTSequence Search Tree
SSTDSymposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases
STATTStatistics Access for Technology Transfer
STCGSQL Test Case Generator
STEPESocial, Technical, Economic, Political, and Ecological
STISingle Table Inheritance
STMOSql Telemetry Mozilla Org
