Dental Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Dental terminology and jargon:



DRDPDiploma in Restorative Dental Practice
DRECDental Research Ethics Committee
DRJDental Research Journal
DRNADental Recycling North America
DRRDDental Research in Review Day
DSADental Stand-Alone
DSACDental Services Advisory Committee
DSCDental Service Committee
DSCEDental Simulated Clinical Exercise
DSCUDentistry Surgical Care Unit
DSDMDubai School of Dental Medicine
DSDSDelaware State Dental Society
DSECDental Student Ethics Committee
DSEPDental Summer Enrichment Program
DSGDental Services Group
DSGODental Society of Greater Orlando
DSODental Support Organization
DSQDental Satisfaction Questionnaire
DSSADental Students' Scientific Association
DSTNCDental Specialty Trainees National Committee
DTADental Trade Alliance
DTFDental Treatment Facility
DTIDental Transformation Initiative
DTPDental Trading Post
DTPCDental Technicain Prosthetic Chief
