Drugs Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Drugs terminology and jargon:



CDRCCommon Drug Review Committee
CDRDCentre for Drug Research and Development
CDRICentral Drug Research Institute
CDRPClinical Drug Review Program
CDSAControlled Drugs and Substances Act
CDSCOCentral Drugs Standard Control Organization
CDSCOCentral Drugs Standard Control Organisation
CDSCOCentral Drug Standard Control Organization
CDTComprehensive Drug Testing
CDTLCentral Drugs Testing Laboratories
CDTMCollaborative Drug Therapy Management
CDTPCompulsory Drug Treatment Program
CDTUCentralized Drug Testing Unit
CEADCentral East Alcoholism and Drug
CEDDCentre of Excellence for Drug Discovery
CFDAChina Food and Drug Administration
CFDAChinese Food and Drug Administration
CHCsCombination Hormonal Contraceptives
CHDRCenter for Human Drug Research
CIDRControlled Intravaginal Drug Release
CIDRControlled Internal Drug Releasing
CLDCholesterol Lowering Drug
CMGConsistent Medical Growth

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