Drugs Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Drugs terminology and jargon:



D5NS5% Dextrose in Normal Saline solution
D5WDextrose 5% in water
DADrug Abuse
DAADrug Addicts Anonymous
DAABDrug and Alcohol Advisory Board
DAADDirect Action Against Drugs
DAARDrug and Alcohol Assessment Referral
DAARDrug and Alcohol Abuse Report
DAARTDrug and Alcohol Adolescent Residential Treatment
DAATDrug and Alcohol Team
DAAYDrug and Alcohol Awareness for Youth
DABDrugs Are Bad
DACCDrug Abuse Correctional Center
DACHDrug and Alcohol Clearing House
DADCDorchester Alcohol and Drug Commission
DAIDrug Assisted Intubations
DAISDrugs Advice Interventions Service
DAMISDrug and Alcohol Monitoring and Information System
DAMPDrug Alcohol Monitoring Program
DAMSDrug Abuse Monitoring System
DANDrug Automated Network
DANOSDrug and Alcohol National Occupational Standards
DAPDrug Assistance Program
DAPADrug and Alcohol Program Advisor

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