Drugs Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Drugs terminology and jargon:



SIDCState Institute for Drug Control
SIDRSocial Innovation on Drug Resistance
SLMHSilica Lipid Mannitol Hybrid
SMDGSex Money Drugs Guns
SMOADStructure-Modifying Osteoarthritis Drug
SMPCSummary of Product Characteristics
SMX/TMPSulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim
SODAStay Out Of Drug Area
SODASSpheroidal Oral Drug Absorption System
SPACEDStimulant Psychoactive Alternative Club and Experimental Drugs
SPADASpecialty Program in Alcohol and Drug Abuse
SPDLSupplemental Preferred Drug List
SPDOSupervising Physician Drug Outlet
SPEDSteroids Performance Enhancing Drugs
SPIDAStudents Preventing and Informing on Drugs Alcohol
SPODASupporting Parents of Drug Abusers (Derbyshire, UK)
SQCsociétè québécoise du cannabis
SQV/rRitonavir-boosted saquinavir
SRDTSuspicionless Random Drug Testing
SRGASwedish Reference Group for Antibiotics
SSSaline solution
SSADSex Suicide Alcohol Drugs
SSDCSovereign States Drug Consortium
SSDDSteal Sh*t Do Drugs

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