Economics Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Economics terminology and jargon:



EEEssentials of Economics
EEACEnvironmental Economics Advisory Committee
EEEEnvironment and Energy Economics
EEEMEnvironmental Economics and Environmental Management
EEEMEnvironmental and Energy Economics and Management
EELCEconomics of Equal Life Chances
EELPEthics Economics Law and Politics
EEREconomics of Education Review
EERCEconomics Education and Research Consortium
EESEarth and Economics in Synergy
EFKEconomics For Kids
EFLEconomics For Leaders
EFLSEconomics Finance and Legal Studies
EGAAAEconomics-Agricultural and Agri-Food Management
EGBEconomics of Global Business
EGHDEconomics Governance and Human Dimensions
EIEREvolutionary and Institutional Economics Review
EINTEconomics of Innovation and New Technology
EJMEconomics Job Market
EKQEconomics Knowledge Quotient
ELDEconomics of Land Degradation
EMACEconomics and Management of Agrobiotechnology Center
EMDCEmerging Market and Developing Country
EMEEmerging Market Economies
EMERSONEntry Mechanical Economic Reason Systemically Ocotially Nemonical
