Economy Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Economy terminology and jargon:



APEGAppalachian Partnership for Economic Growth
APEGAlliance of Professionals for Economic Growth
APEGCAfrica Partnership for Economic Growth Caucus
APERAndhra Pradesh Economic Restructuring
APPEAss Peeking Pictures Economy
APSEZAdani Ports and Special Economic Zone
APSEZAndhra Pradesh Special Economic Zone
ARIESAlternative Renewable Innovative Economic Solutions
ASCEAssociation for the Study of the Cuban Economy
ASEDAAmerican Samoa Economic Development Authority
ASEZAqaba Special Economic Zone
ASEZAAqaba Special Economic Zone Authority
ASGEAssociation for the Study of the Grants Economy
ATEEDAuckland Tourism Events and Economic Development
ATEEDAuckland Tourism Events Economic Development
ATELPAtlin Tlingit Economic Limited Partnership
AUBERAssociation for University Business and Economic Research
AUBERAssociation of University Business and Economic Research
AWEIAfrican Wildlife Economy Institute
BALEBuilding A Local Economy
BBBalance Budget
BBBEEBasic Broad Black Economic Empowerment
BBBEEBroad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
BBBEEBroad Based Black Economic Empowered
