Educational Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Educational terminology and jargon:



EDFEEducation Development Foundation for Excellence
EDFTEast Detroit Federation of Teachers
EDGAREducation Department General Administrative Regulations
EDGAREager Discovery Gather And Retrieval
EDGAREducation Department General Administrative Regs
EDGEEvergreen District Gifted Education
EDGEEducation for Disability and Gender Equity
EDGEExcellent Design, Greater Excitement
EDGEEducators Designing Growth Experiences
EDGEEvaluate, Decide, Go, Evolve
EDGEEvaluation Direction Guidance And Educational
EDGEEducation Development Growth Empowerment
EDGEEducational Disc Golf Experience
EDGEEveryone Deserves Great Education
EDGEEngagement Drives GPC Education
EDGEEnhancing Diversity in Graduate Education
EDGETEducation Germany Ethiopia
EDGMEducation Deans of Greater Milwaukee
EDIEquality Dignity And Independence
EDIExcellence, Dedication, and Integrity
EDIEducational Development Initiative
EDIEquity, Diversity, and Inclusion
EDIFEnterprise Development Innovation Fund
EDIFYEducation Development Inspiration For Youth
EDIFYEducation and Direction of Intelligent Fit Youth
