Educational Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Educational terminology and jargon:



EELPEnvironmental Educators Leadership Program
EEMEducational Entity Master
EEMGEarly Education Matching Grants
EEMGEarly Education Matching Grant
EEMPEnvironmental Education Media Project
EENExceptional Educational Needs
EENEquestrian Educational Network
EENExceptional Education Needs
EEODExecutive Education and Organizational Development
EEOPEnvironmental Education Outreach Program
EEOPEducational Enrichment Outreach Program
EEOSEquality of Educational Opportunity Study
EEPEndorsed Education Provider
EEPEarly Education Program
EEPEmployee Education Program
EEPEndorsed Education Providers
EEPEducational Effectiveness Plan
EEPEmpirical Educator Project
EEPEndorsed Educational Provider
EEPEnglish for Educational Purposes
EEPEducator Effectiveness Plan
EEPEducation and Enrichment Program
EEPEgypt Education Platform
EEPAElectrical Engineering Portal for All
EEPDExecutive Education Professional Development
