Electronics Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Electronics terminology and jargon:



W/BWire Bonding
W3CWorld wide web Consotium
WACWeighted Average Current
WADMWavelength Add/Drop Multiplexer
WAEFWireless Acoustic Electric Feedthrough
WAGESWater Air Gas Electric and Steam
WAMAWAfer MApping
WANWide Area Network
WAVEWireless Access in Vehicular Environment
WAVESWaveform And Vector Exchange Specification
WBWeak Base
WBWide Band
WBBWireless BroadBand
WBCIWavecom Battery Charge Indicator
WBCVWide Band Characteristic Voltage
WBEW Bradley Electric
WBEAWhole Blood Electrical Aggregometry
WBFHWideBand Frequency Hopping
WBFMWideBand Frequency Modulation
WBGSWide BandGap Semi-conductor
WBHFWideBand High Frequency
WBMWindows Boot Manager
WBMEWide Bandgap Materials Electronics
WBSWork Breakdown Structure

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