Employment Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Employment terminology and jargon:



ASEPAboriginal Skills And Employment Partnership
ASPIREAdditional Support for People in Retraining and Employment
ASRWAsheville Sustainable Restaurant Workforce
ASSETAkron Selective Skills Employment Training
ASSETSA Service for Self Employment Training and Support
ASYEAssessed and Supported Year in Employment
ASYEAssessment and Supported Year in Employment
ASYEAssessed and Supported Year of Employment
ATAEAAustralian Theatrical and Amusement Employees' Association
ATEAlternatives To Employment
ATNEAverage Total Number of Employees
ATPAnnual Training Plan
ATWDAustralian Teacher Workforce Data
ATWDAddiction Training and Workforce Development
AUPEAlberta Union of Provincial Employees
AVCsAdditional Voluntary Contributions
AVRDCAsian Vegetable Research and Development Center
AWAKEAdvancing Workforce Analytics and Knowledge Exchange
AWCAgriculture Workforce Coalition
AWCBCAssociation of Workers Compensation Boards of Canada
AWDAAtlanta Workforce Development Agency
AWDPAfghanistan Workforce Development Program
AWECAtomic Weapons Employee Consultants
AWGAmerican Workforce Group
AWHCAffordable Workforce Housing Council

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