English Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the English terminology and jargon:



DBEGDesi Beats Educational Group
DCECDela Cruz English Cb
DCEUDictionary of Caribbean English Usage
DEEPDirect Entry English Program
DELDDesignated English Language Development
DELFDevelopments in English as a Lingua Franca
DELTADiploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
DEODeveloping English Organization
DEPNDictionary of English Place Names
DESDiploma in English Studies
DESADepartment of English Students Association
DESADepartment of English Student Association
DETDuolingo English Test
DEYDEY is a short form of (DO YOU) in spoken English.
DHEDelitszsch Hebrew English
DHEDelitzsch Hebrew English
DICEDeveloping Intelligent and Creative English
DIRECDepartment of International Relation English Club
DISEDirect Instruction Spoken English
DJEDictionary of Jamaican English
DOELDictionary Of the English Language
DOTEDiploma for Overseas Teachers of English
DOTEDictionary Of The English
DREDevelopmental Reading and English
DSEDoctoral Seminars in English

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