European Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the European terminology and jargon:



CEIGCore European Implementation Guidelines
CEITCentral European Institute of Technology
CEJChemistry A European Journal
CELICentre for European Law and Internationalisation
CELOCentral European Law Offices
CELSCentre for European Legal Studies
CEMAPCommission Européenne des méthodes d'analyse des pesticides (French: Collaborative Pesticides Analytical Committee)
CEMEACentral Europe Middle East and Africa
CEMRCouncil of European Municipalities and Regions
CEMSCentral European Management Science
CENCentral European Norm
CENComité Européen de Normalisation (in French) European Committee for Standardization
CENAACentre for European and North Atlantic Affairs
CENARCentre for European Network Abuse Resolution
CENELECComité Européen de Normalisation Électrotechnique (in French) European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
CENFConfederation of European New Federations
CENLConference of European National Librarians
CENLConference of European National Libraries
CENSCenter for European Neighborhood Studies
CEOACentral European Operating Agency
CEOACentral Europe Operating Agency
CEOICentral European Olympiad in Informatics
CEPConfederation of European Probation
CEPACenter for European Policy Analysis
CEPDChinese European Partnership for Development
