European Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the European terminology and jargon:



SESAMSociety in Europe for Simulation applied to medicine
SESESouthern European Systems Engineering
SESPSimulation for European Space Programmes
SETCStrong Europe Tank Challenge
SEUNStartup Europe Universities Network
SEVAStandard European Vector Architecture
SEVCSouthern European Veterinary Conference
SEVCSouthern European Veterinarian Conference
SEYOSistema Europe Youth Orchestra
SFERASolar Facilities for the European Research Area
SFPESappi Fine Paper Europe
SG&ASt. Gallen und Appenzell
SGEESuppliers' Group for Eastern Europe
SGEUStanding Group on the European Union
SHAERStimulating Healthy African European Relationship
SHAPESupreme Headquarters of Allied Powers in Europe
SHAPESME HPC Adoption Programme in Europe
SHESchools for Health in Europe
SHKBASwiss Hong Kong Business Association (Switzerland)
SIESocial Innovation Europe
SIESoroptimist International of Europe
SIENAStimulation Initiative for European Neural Applications
SIFESite Intranet Factory European
SIGLESystem for Information on Grey Literature in Europe
SIOEStop Islamisation Of Europe
