Famous & Celebs Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Famous & Celebs terminology and jargon:



DPODarren Peter Oswald
DRDonald Reid
DSDave Stewart
DSDoctor Scott
DSADonna Stratmore Anderson, horse breeder
DSGDonna S. Guido, Consultant, DSG Associates
DTDonald Trump
DTDewey Thomas
DTEDora The Explorer
DTFDangerous Town Fellow
DVDuc De Villeroy
DVVDon Van Vliet
DWDDarkWing Duck
DWJDiana Wynne Jones
DYDylan Young
EAPEdgar Allan Poe
EAPElvis Aaron Presley
EAYEric A. Young, developer of SSLeay Library
EBEddie Brown, football player
EBEaster Bunny
EBEd Baker
EBElwyn Brooks
EBEnergizer Bunny
EBBEleanor Bolling Byrd
EBCEsther B. Clark

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