Famous & Celebs Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Famous & Celebs terminology and jargon:



BTBrian Tribble
BTBarbara Tucker
BTBBob The Builder
BTKBilly The Kid
BTOBogdan Theodor Olteanu
BTWBooker T. Washington
BVBobby Vaughn
BWBuddy Walters
BWBedford Walter
BWBenjamin Weiss
BXBernard Xavier
BXBrand X
BXVIPope Benedict the Sixteenth
BYJBae Yong Joon
BYRBô Yin Râ
C&HCalvin and Hobbs
C-WEBBChris Webber, Basketball Player
CABCaptain Ann Bonney, pirate
CAJCharles A. Joy
CAMCristian Alvarez Martinez
CAYColeman A. Young
CBCount Basie
CBCarl Bevil
CBCharles Bathhurst
CBColin Bryan

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