Farming & Agriculture Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Farming & Agriculture terminology and jargon:



WJASWorld Journal of Agricultural Sciences
WLEWater, Land and Ecosystems
WLICWisconsin Livestock Identification Consortium
WLMCWisconsin Livestock Meat Council
WLSBWyoming Livestock Board
WMMBWisconsin Milk Marketing Board
WNBFWooden Nickel Buffalo Farm
WNM-DNDCWatershed Nutrient Management - DeNitrification-DeComposition
WNWTWeaning Weight
WOFAWupperthal Organic Farmers Association
WOFGWomen On Farms Gathering
WOFPWomen On Farms Project
WOMAWisconsin Organic Marketing Alliance
WOOOFWorldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms
WOSRWinter Oilseed Rape
WPAFWorkshop on Precision Agriculture and Forestry
WPHFWalker Polled Hereford Farm
WQNWheat Quality Network
WQOGWheat Quality Objectives Group
WRIWorld Resources Institute
WRIDWhite River Irrigation District
WSWestern Steer
WSWormy Soil
WSBMWheat SoilBorne Mosaic
WSPCWashington State Potato Commission
