FDA Acronyms and Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the FDA terminology and jargon:



TDYtemporary duty
TETherapeutic Equivalence
TEACATrolox-Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity Assay
TEAETreatment-Emergent Adverse Event
TEBTherapeutics Evaluation Branch
TEB (CBER)Therapeutics Evaluation Branch (CBER)
TEDSTreatment Episode Data Set
TELECONTELEphone CONferencing
TEPTherapeutic Exchange Plasmapheresis
TEPRSSCTechnical Electronic Product Radiation Safety Standards Committee
TERMISTissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society
TESSTreatment Emergent Signs and Symptoms
TESSToxic Exposure Surveillance System
TFMTentative Final Monograph
TFRBTherapeutic Facilities Review Branch
TGATherapeutic Goods Administration
TITolerable Intake
TIACCTherapeutic Inequivalence Action Coordinating Committee
TIDTer In Die (Three Times a Day)
TIFFTagged-Image File Format
TINDTreatment Investigational New Drug
TLAThree-Letter Acronym
TLCThin Layer Chromatography
TLVThreshhold Limit Value

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