FDA Acronyms and Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the FDA terminology and jargon:



TMJTemporo-Mandibular Joint
TMOTrial Management Organization
TNTCToo Numerous To Count
TOTransportation Officer
TOTable of Organization
TOATotal Obligation Authority
TOCTotal Organic Carbon
TOITrial Outcome Index
TOPRAThe Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
TORThreshold Of Regulation
TPCCTherapeutic Products Classification Committee
TPDTherapeutic Products Directorate
TPDSTraining and Professional Development Staff
TPHTropical Public Health
TPITan Protection Index
TPLCTotal Product Life Cycle
TPNTotal Parenteral Nutrition
TPPTarget Product Profile
TQMTotal Quality Management
TRACTolerance Re-assessment Advisory Committee
TRALITransfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury
Trans Netinternet-based blood shortage reporting program (FDA)
TRBTechnical Review Board
TRIToxics Release Inventory

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