Finance Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Finance terminology and jargon:



BOFCBusiness Object Financial Consolidation
BONUSBorrower's Option for Notes and Underwritten Standby
BPFSBusiness Professional and Financial Services
BRFPBelize Rural Finance Programme
BRFPBelize Rural Financial Program
BSBFBoston School of Business and Finance
BSFBear State Financial
BSFTBig -Spending Foreign Tycoon
BTFABank Team Financial Advisor
BTFCBreaking The Financial Curse
BTNBeyond The Numbers
BWFABaltimore Washington Financial Advisors
BWFSBack Wage Financial System
BWFSBarry Walsh Financial Services
CAFCentre for Analytical Finance
CAFCurrency Adjustment Factor
CAFCapital Automotive Financial
CAFDContract Agency Finance Department
CAFPCommonwealth Association for Financial Professionals
CAFPCommonwealth Association of Financial Professionals
CAFRComprehensive Annual Financial Report
CAnFRCanadian Award for Financial Reporting
CAOCompliance Advisor/Ombudsman
CARECredit Abuse Resistance Education
CAUFPCanadian Association of Urban Financial Professionals
