Fire Departments

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Fire Departments terminology and jargon:



FCFDFox Crossing Fire Department
FCFDFort Carson Fire Department
FCMRFire Claim Master Record
FDFire Department
FDFire Damper
FDBDFire Department Bellevue Dayton
FDBDFire Department Of Bellevue Dayton
FDCFire Department Connection
FDCFire Department Connections
FDDFire Department Directory
FDEPFire Department Emergency Program
FDICFire Department Instructors Conference
FDLCFire Department of Liberty City
FDMTFire Department of Montgomery Township
FDNYFire Department of the City of New York
FDNYFire Department New York
FDNYFire Department of New York
FDPRFire Department of Puerto Rico
FDSFire Detection System
FDSAFire Department of San Andreas
FDTNFire Department Training Network
FDVCFire Department of Vice City
FEISFire Effects Information System
FEMSAFire and Emergency Manufacturers and Services Association
FENZFire and Emergency New Zealand
