Companies & Firms Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Companies & Firms terminology and jargon:



WNYFWestern New York Floor Company, Inc.
WNYIWestern New York Investors
WNYICWestern New York Investors Conference
WNZWools of New Zealand
WNZWood New Zealand
WOWatch Out
WOAWorld Of Asphalt
WOAFAWilliam Owen Artworks and Fine Art
WOAWWindows On Another World
WOBWestern Ontario Breeders
WOBWorld Of Birds
WOBAWorld Of Banners Ads
WOBIWestern Ontario Breeders, Inc.
WOBIWard Off Burglars Inc.
WOBIWestern Ontario Breeders Inc
WOBTWork Out & Bodybuilding In Tayside
WOCWizards Of The Coast
WOCWorld Of Chips
WOCWorld Of Concrete
WOCWhispering Owl Crafters
WOCIWaste Oil Collectors, Inc.
WOCIWomen of Color Inc
WOCIWaste Oil Collectors Inc
WOCRWillow Oak Chiangus Ranch
WOCZWerkverband Organisaties Chronisch Zieken - Netherlands
