Football Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Football terminology and jargon:



AFSAssociation of Football Statisticians
AFSOAfghan Football Support Organization
AFVHAmerican Football Verband Hessen
AFWAmerican Football Worldwide
AFWLAmerican Football Womens League
AFWLAmerican Football Women's League
AIAFAssociation Internationale des Avocats du Football
AIFAmerican Indoor Football
AIFAAmerican Indoor Football Association
AIFCAthlete Institute Football Club
AIFFAll India Football Federation
AIFSAssociazione Italiana Football Sala
AJFCAjax Junior Football Club
AJFCAllianz Junior Football Campus
AJFLAlberta Junior Football League
AJFLAndover Junior Football League
AJFLAnglesey Junior Football League
ALAWAll Leeds Aren’t We
ALPFAmerican League of Professional Football
AMFAAll Manipur Football Association
AMFAArvada Midget Football Association303
AMFLAdelaide Metropolitan Football League
ANFAAll Nepal Football Association
ANFCAustralian National Football Council
ANFCAustalian National Football Council
