Forestry Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Forestry terminology and jargon:



BFCFBlack Forest Christian Fellowship
BFCPBerau Forest Carbon Program
BFDIBuried Forest Deciduously Insulated
BFEBlack Forest Engineering
BFFCBoston Food Forest Coalition
BFHBahamian Forest Holdings
BFIBlack Forest Industries
BFNABridgwater Forest Neighbourhood Association
BFNRBoreal Forest Natural Region
BFOBlack Forest Observatory
BFPGBesse Forest Products Group
BFRCBoreal Forest Research Centre
BFRIBangladesh Forest Research Institute
BFSBBracknell Forest Safeguarding Board
BFSPBlack Forest Star Party
BGFFBridgetown Greenbushes Friends of the Forest
BIFBathroom In Forest
BLSFBladen Lakes State Forest
BNFPBeaverhead National Forest Plan
BOFBoard Of Forestry
BOFLBoard of Forestry Lands
BSFBachelor of Science in Forestry
BTFRBelum Temenggor Forest Reserve
BTNFBridger Teton National Forest
BWABotanical World Adventures
