Funny Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Funnies terminology and jargon:



MBNAMoney Buys Nearly Anything
MBRMaster Boot Revaz
MBSMaster Bull Scooper
MBTMasters Burning Together
MBTMore Bull Today
MBVMy Bloody Valentine
MCMad Cashier
MCMordor's Children
MCAMusicians Cemetery of America
MCASMitt Cares About Schools
MCCMore Cash Coming
MCFMoney Comes First
MCIMy Company's Incompetent
MCIMeasley Communication Imbeciles
MCIMore Company Indictments
MCIMay Create Insolvency
MCIMassive Corporate Indiscretions
MCIMighty Crappy Internet
MCIMostly Caucasians Intoxicated
MCIMy Creditors Insisted
MCIMentally Challenged, Inc.
MCIMoney Coming In
MCIMy Crotch Itches
MCIMany Changes Instantly
MCIMaking Communications Impossible
