Funny Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Funnies terminology and jargon:



MDMoriwaki Dream
MDMac Daddy
MDMean Dork
MDMiserable Doctor
MDMentally Defective
MDMagma Dragoon
MDMagic Damage
MDMerry Devil
MDManiacal Democrat
MDMassive Denial
MDMichael Dumbberg
MDCMissouri Department of Communism
MDCMentally Decrepit Cretin
MDGMouton De Gruyter
MDHMahashian Di Hatti
MDIYDMy Dime Is Your Dime
MDKMighty Damn Kool
MDLMarxist Deranged Lunatic
MDMAMagically Delicious Mushroom Acid
MDSMore Dead Sticks
MDYBMade You Blush
MEMicrosoft Exasperation
MEMigraine Edition
MEMutant Enemy
